Libraries -- University of Chicago 2001 London Study Abroad Program

2001 London Study Abroad Program









British Library, Portico
The British Library's Online Information Server. Includes: Blaise - bibliographic records provided by the major departments of the British Library, including Humanities and Social Sciences, the Science Reference and Information Service, Oriental and India Office Collections, Music, Maps and the Document Supply Centre. Gabriel - the information server for Europe's National Libraries and the full text of the Magna Carta.
The University of London Library
University of Chicago students will receive borrower's cards. The University of London Library, located at Senate House, is one of the major academic libraries of the United Kingdom.
The UK Public Libraries Page
An exhaustive list of libraries, lovingly maintained, with sites that make 'an effort to use the medium imaginatively' marked.
National Art Library
A research and reference library based at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
The Women's Library
The Fawcett Library, now known as The Women's Library, exists to document the changing role of women in society, in the past, now and in the future. It seeks to collect materials relating to the changing role of women in society and to make these available to personal and to remote users, however they make contact. It maintains links with other women centred libraries in an informal world wide network.